Hi there, welcome to my online portfolio! My name is Vanesa Everett and I'd like to personally thank you for taking the time to check out my work.
I have been developing my skills as an actress since I was 15, and have begun to collect valuable experience within the field. Credits currently include cinema, commercial, television, short film and stage work as well as an array of training workshops that I have undertaken in order to strengthen my skills. I aspire to pursue a career within the creative producing field alongside developing my crafts within the entertainment industry. I am currently working as a Communicative Associate at Stage Addiction - which is a talent management company that books brand deals, contracts, and projects for reality TV stars and influencers. Some of my clients include stars from Netflix, MTV, The Bachelor/Bachelorette series, I'm A Celebrity, MAFS and Love Island.
My passions lies within film + tv as well producing, marketing and project management. I am an extroverted, positive and friendly person that thrives in environments that encourage creativity and promote innovation. I work well with creating visual and written concepts documents to assist in creating projects for clients. The language of film and performance is something I have always been incredibly connected with throughout all my life, and I could not be more excited to further my experience and expand my skill set within the industry.

Tyler Alberti (2018) + Vargo Studios (2019)
Judy Boladian
Extra Edge Talent